Hey guys, so today I am going to start with the first media literacy skill which is called “Play.” Play is the capacity to analyze with the surroundings in order to solve problems. (Jenkins, 2009: pg 35) According to Jenkins (2009, Pg 35), play is an important media literacy skill because it helps shape relationships to their communities and surroundings. Through “play” we can experiment with different roles and try to find how it suits us and what it teaches us. I believe play is a valid skill for media because from play we can improve our knowledge, enhance our skills and shape our relationships. Play is also significant to our culture because it not only expands our knowledge but also helps us to work on our skills which we can use in our daily lives such as problem solving, concentration, communication and etc... Play is also very valid because in this day and age it is important for us to be very knowledgeable and very skilful since this world is very competitive and is moving very fast. Since play helps us improve our skills we can use those skills to move ahead faster in our life. We can also develop a richer understanding of our social roles and ourselves by further enhancing the play media skill. Further by using this the play skill, we would be able to exercise more skills and further enhance them, for example improve our communication skill by talking to others via social media. An example of the media literacy skill “Play” is a baseball card shown below. When a child looks at a series of baseball cards, he uses three learning skills. First in order for the child to understand the batting averages they would need to make use of their math skills. The child would be required to read the back of cards and understand the subsets as well as calculate differences, that would require math skills. (Alcox, 2015) Next in order to arrange their cards they need to exercise their classification skills, and finally in order to discuss their cards and learn how to play them safely, the child would make use of their communication skills and knowledge skills which could potentially be from their previous experience in baseball. This example portrays how a small type of media either online or physical, like playing with a baseball card can further enhance a child’s skills and at the same time can become an enjoyable pastime. This is a perfect example of "Play" because as said in the definition, it helps us improve three skills in one type of media.
H. et al (2009). “Confronting the
Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century”.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and
Learning. The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. http://bit.ly/1AaI4rc
My name is Anusha Gulzar and I am a 3rd Year Business Student at Brock University. This blog will identify ten different types of Media Skills and Literacies. Hope this is informative and enjoyable.