
Hi guys, so today I am going to be mentioning the fifth media literacy skill which is “Multitasking.” Everyone knows what multitasking is but how is multitasking related to media? Multitasking is the ability to browse the environment and shift focus on other tasks. (Jenkins, 2009: Pg 61) According to Jenkins (2009, pg 61), after the rise of digital media one of the most shocking changes in adults view is the decline of youth’s attention span. Attention is said to be a critical aspect of our cognitive ability. (Jenkins, 2009: Pg 61) Since digital technology has risen in many people's daily routine, researchers have tried to assess how individuals are coping in this vastly connected world and found out that it is withdrawing our capacity to function effectively and efficiently. (Whibey, 2013) Instead of paying close attention to a certain task, youth are encouraging “multitasking” where they try to accomplish different tasks in one go. I believe it is very valid skill, because multitasking is a great way of accomplishing more than one thing at a time. My theory of multitasking is that it is very important in this competitive age, everyone is moving faster to their goals and people are getting ahead of you every second of the day. When using the multitasking skill, you can accomplish so much in so little time. According to Interexchange (2012), multitasking is actually a benefit to us especially in the modern workplaces since workplaces in this age want to maximize productivity to the core with limited resources. Through multitasking, employees can handle several different responsibilities. An example of multitasking is a journal article by Anil Kumar Puthumana made on 5th January 2010. Puthumana (2010) talks about how multitasking is gaining importance in this growing age, where companies are trying to maximize productivity with minimal resources and companies are now looking for employees with multitasking abilities. This article describes the benefits of multitasking to the organizations, how multitasking helps employees as well as tips of being an effective multitasker. This example proves that if youth start multitasking at an early age, they would have a higher chance of getting a job in front of a non-multitasker.


·      Jenkins, H. et al (2009). “Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century”. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning. The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
·      Puthumana, A. (2010, January 5). Multitasking: Giving an edge over others. Retrieved December 5, 2015, from
·      The Value of Multitasking in the Modern Workplace. (2012, June 25). Retrieved December 5, 2015, from

·      Wihbey, J. (2013, July 11). Multitasking, social media and distraction: Research review - Journalist's Resource. Retrieved December 5, 2015, from

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