
Hi guys, so the second media literacy skill that is important to media is “Performance.” Performance is the ability to adopt alternate selections for the purpose of improvisation and findings. (Jenkins, 2009: pg 47) According to Jenkins (2009: pg 47), By using the performance media skill, individuals would be able to connect with the character and have a captivating experience. By connecting with the character, the individual can also reflect on his values, choices, beliefs and question themselves. In my opinion, performance is a valid skill because I feel that by experiencing this an individual can enjoy himself as well as take a lesson out of it. Everything you do should have a purpose to it and should be worthwhile at the end. In our daily lives we often listen to music and do not think about the message of what were listening to. When we take the time and listen to the song, we are able to find the message of the song that connects to an issue that is happening in the world. For example the artist “Beyonce” created a song named “Flawless” which portrayed the idea of feminism and compared society’s views on male roles and female roles and how women are taught to fulfill traditional gender roles but can do much more than those roles. An example of performance would be the Disney movie “Mulan.” Mulan is a story about a girl who enrolls herself into war because she wanted to prove to herself and her dad that women are equal to men and can a fight a war. Mulan first step was to registers herself into war as a man so that she can get in. At the end it is revealed that despite being a women, she made a difference and is pronounced as a hero. This relates to the performance skill because as said in the definition, performance is a skill that suggests people to adopt to a new thinking and change the web into something playful and knowledgeable. This example of Mulan shows how a movie can change the mentality of her town stating that women are as capable as men. The role of this movie is to teach kids that women are capable of doing the same things as men.


·      Jenkins, H. et al (2009). “Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century”. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning. The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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