Transmedia Navigation

Hey guys, so one of the most interesting media skills is “Transmedia Navigation.” Transmedia Navigation is the ability to go after a flow of media and information across multiple platforms.” (Jenkins, 2009: Pg 85) Jenkins (2009, Pg 85) believes that storytellers develop transmedia storytelling by branding the same story on multiple touch points and networks. As viewers we come across the same information, same stories and the same characters but the portrayal is in different modes. According to the article “Transmedia Education: the 7 Principles Revisited” by Henry Jenkins (2010), Transmedia is where students actively seek content by hunting and gathering which leads them to multiple networks and platforms and from their students would have to decide which platform would have the information they seek. This process includes testing for reliability for the information, and finding the appropriate information. In my opinion, Transmedia is a valid skill. I say that because I feel Transmedia Navigation is a great way to understand the depth of the stories and make it more valuable. There are three types of learners in this world and not everyone can retain information with a certain type of media. For example one story is told in the form of a video game, audio book and movie. For visual learners a movie will explain the story very well to them and they will be able to retain the moral of the story, for auditory learners an audio book will help them retain the moral of the story and a kinesthetic learner would be more comfortable playing the video game and understanding the story. I believe Transmedia Navigation is a great tool for different types of learners and definitely helps to get the moral of the story across. An example of Transmedia Navigation is a journal article by Brent Lang called “Stretching the ‘Spider-Man’ Universe: Transmedia Spins a Vast Web of Heroes and Villains” This article emphasizes on the concept of Transmedia navigation and talks about how Sony Pictures Entertainment will be launching a series of spin-off films in order for viewers to better understand “Spiderman’s” world of superheroes and villains. Sony has also used the transmedia storytelling approach for “Spiderman” across many media platforms like spanning movies, television shows, and social media as well. (Lang, 2013) This example proves the “Transmedia Navigation” skill by using it as a source of getting the moral of story across by different modes of media.


·      Jenkins, H. et al (2009). “Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century”. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning. The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
·      Lang, B. (2013, November 27). Stretching the ‘Spider-Man’ Universe: Transmedia Spins a Vast Web of Heroes and Villains. Retrieved December 5, 2015, from

·      Jenkins, H. (2010, June 21). Transmedia Education: The 7 Principles Revisited. Retrieved December 5, 2015, from

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