
Hey guys, so the fourth media literacy skill that is considered important is “Appropriation.” Appropriation is the ability to meaningfully represent and mix media content.(Jenkins, 2009: pg 55) According to journalists, young people in this era participate in illegal actions where they use the work of others for example ripping and burning others music files and sharing them as well. (Jenkins, 2009: pg 55) Jenkins (2009, pg 55) believes that art does not come from an artists imagination rather it comes from their previous experiences and culture. In general they believe that artists work very hard in order to produce their art therefore no one has the right to make use of their art. I contradict to that belief, I believe that downloading or sharing others music is not wrong. Yes if you use it to your advantage and present that you have created that piece of art then I agree that is wrong, but downloading music is not wrong in my opinion. Illegally downloading a music album for example for your iPod from a website online instead of legally purchasing it, is not something wrong. Artists have created these pieces of art for the public to listen to or watch, it is very expensive to legally purchase every album that releases in the market every time, for that reason using illegal websites to download is actually a benefit for artists. According to Richards (2012) If people had to purchase every single album then that would get expensive and not a lot of people would purchase it, by downloading from external parties, the artist’s art is being more exposed to the world and they are getting more fans for their art. An example of Appropriation would be the picture shown below. This shows you a small example of what I had previously talked about but in a more sarcastic tone of why people download illegally. To conclude, I feel downloading music should not be counted as illegal because in this day and age where the world is frequently in a recession and consumers are barely able to meet their needs, people are not able to afford a new album every time it releases. This would also benefits the artist and could gain popularity for their future albums; therefore downloading music off of free online websites should be legalized.


·      Jenkins, H. et al (2009). “Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century”. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning. The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

·      Richards, S. (2012, November 12). The Illegal Downloading Debate: Is it OK to Download Songs without Paying? Retrieved December 5, 2015, from

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